Describe with AI

KSemantics is an AI-powered Google Sheets add-on for generating written reports to explain your data

KSemantics use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. For more information, please read our FAQ and Privacy Policy.

Access granted per email address

You get access to use the KSemantics add-on through your email address. Your payment will give you uninterrupted access to KSemantics but only to a single email address.

One-time payment

You can upgrade to the paid version any time with a one-time payment. If the trial period ends prior to your purchase then you will not able to process any queries.

Unlimited queries

There is no cap on the number of times you can run the KSemantics add-on during the 7-day free trial or after you have completed the purchase.

Your data story

Data discovery takes time

On average, a professional spends 90% of the time in data discovery. Slicing, transforming, and aggregating data to get actionable insights. Insights are only useful if you can communicate with your words.

Visualizations are great; words make them better

Charts or tables provide valuable information; however, words describing them add a lot more value. No report or article is complete without you putting your words to describe the visuals.

Everyone is a decision-maker

Any decision backed with data has better outcomes than one based only on intuition. You don't have to be an expert when your data insights are simple words that you can understand.



Get your data

Log in to Google Drive and navigate to an existing Google Sheet or create a new sheet and add data.

Image showing Google Sheet


Open Sheet and Install KSemantics add-on

Open the Google Sheet and from the top menu navigate to expand the Add-Ons dropdown and select Get add-ons menu item. Search for KSemantics in the Google Marketplace and click Install from the KSemantics page.

Image showing KSemantics in Google Sheet menu


Write and run a QUERY function

Write and run a QUERY function preferably in a new sheet. The QUERY function takes three arguments and for the purpose of using KSemantics add-on you will need enter all the arguments correctly.

Image showing Google Sheet QUERY function


Select function cell and run KSemantics

Select the cell with the QUERY function and navigate to the Add-ons menu to run the KSemantics add-on.

Image showing KSemantics run on the cell with the QUERY function


View result

Hover over the function cell and see the Notes. The result explaining the data is written as Note for the cell. Drag n drop or scroll through the Note text area to see the full result.

Image showing KSemantics result